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linguistic skill中文是什么意思

用"linguistic skill"造句"linguistic skill"怎么读"linguistic skill" in a sentence


  • 语言技能


  • Well , you can give us a demonstration of your linguistic skills , above and beyond the word “ yes
  • In the cortex of brain reside human cognitive abilities such as sophisticated reasoning , linguistic skills and musical ability
  • Mourinho also reflected that essien has the necessary linguistic skills and tactical awareness to acclimatise quickly to life in west london
  • This thesis weighs the major relations between quality - oriented education and translation , and demonstrates the interwoven relationship between four linguistic skills and translation competence
    将翻译教学与高考书面表达训练相结合。 4翻译教学与任务型教学相结合。
  • Bilingual skills in chinese and english will no longer be enough , because it literacy must now be added as a necessary linguistic skill if rules of evidence are to be acquired
  • It takes a new approach which gives weight not only to analytical skills but also to the integration of english grammar with other linguistic skills such as composition and comprehension
用"linguistic skill"造句  


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